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Meet Nida Nadir, Our New Of Counsel!

It’s amazing, in our line of work, all the little things you get to do for regular people just trying to get by. Recently, I had an electrician come to me for help. He’d been slapped with a judgment against him to the tune of $30,000 and had no idea what to do. Turns out, he wasn’t the one who had actually owed the money — to oversimplify a little here, his previous attorney was suing him after he’d given him a batch of bad legal advice. Whatever the case, it was clear that this guy should definitely not have been talking to my client … CONTINUE READING

A man between two elephants.

Rapid Dispute Resolution

Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) is a revolutionary new concept offered exclusively by The Gibson Law Group as an alternative to expensive, time-consuming, soul-sucking litigation. In RDR, your dispute will be resolved in one day, on short notice, and for an affordable, fixed fee. In RDR, Judge Gibson does not represent either side. You are paying him to resolve your dispute fairly … CONTINUE READING

Cruise ship.

Safe Sailing This Hurricane Season

After last year’s devastating storm season, would-be tropical travelers are undoubtedly hesitant about purchasing those discounted plane tickets to the Caribbean Basin. No one wants to face a possible evacuation during their vacation — or worse, be forced to weather a hurricane at a beachfront resort. If you want the most bang for your buck while enjoying the turquoise waters … CONTINUE READING

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