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Bankruptcy in the Wake of COVID–19

This is not the article I wanted to write this month. The original article was about the referrals we make to help our clients grow their networks and grow their businesses. Given that we now live in a world of social distancing and voluntary quarantines, where people bump elbows instead of shake hands, that strikes me as sadly … CONTINUE READING

Keep America Beautiful

Have you ever walked through a park and seen a plastic bottle or wrapper lying on the ground? If so, did you pick it up and properly dispose of it? You might not have realized it, but in that moment, you took a small step toward keeping your community — and, by extension, America … CONTINUE READING

The History of Libraries in America

What’s the oldest library in America? It’s an easy question to ask, but it has an unexpectedly complicated answer. Before the Industrial Revolution generated greater interest in public services, a library’s function and purpose varied widely. Several libraries in the United States claim to be the country’s “first,” but for different … CONTINUE READING

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